Colin Bayliss

26B - Impression of Agecroft - for orchestra (score only), B157

Colin Bayliss
Colin Bayliss
Классика / Симфоническая
Флейта, Флейта пикколо, Кларнет, Фагот, Гобой, Валторна, Тромбон, Труба, Скрипка, Альт, Виолончель, Контрабас, Литавры, Бас-кларнет, Ударные
Состав исполнителей
Симфонический оркестр
Тип нот
Время звучания
Уровень сложности
Выше среднего
Год создания

This work was written originally as an organ piece in September to October 2005 in response to a request from Ronald Frost who had recorded the composer's complete organ music on compact disc. [New Century Classics NCC2002]
He performed it on the organ of St. Ann's Church, Manchester on November 17th 2007. It was orchestrated into its present form in September 2008.

Structured in the form of an Introduction and Allegro, it depicts work at the motive power depot at Agecroft in the days of steam locomotives. Agecroft's shed code in the 1950s to 1960s was 26B.

It is dawn - five o'clock is heard in the distance. The crew arrive sleepily for work. They light the fire in the firebox of a passenger locomotive - a Jubilee or Royal Scot class perhaps. Six o'clock - as the fire heats

the water in the boiler the engine is polished and checked for the journey. By seven o'clock it is time to start. The locomotive begins slowly to move from the yard, picks up its train and begins its journey and by eight o' clock it is steaming though the Lancashire countryside before fading from sight.

This is just the score. If parts are required, please contact Colin through musicaneo

Дата публикации
23 июл 2013


12.00 USD
PDF, 544.7 Кб (25 стр.)


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